A Bruised Reed - The Life and Times of Anne Steele
J. R. Broome
The story of the life and times of the 18th century hymnwriter. Contemporary with Toplady, Wesley, Cowper and Newton. Includes her hymns and some of her psalms. 50 illustrations, 9 in colour.
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A Pillar in the Church - Sydney Frank Paul
Matthew Hyde (Ed)
This book contains a biography of Mr Paul, together with a record of his spiritual leadings as written by himself. These are supplemented with samples of his writings, a record of grace in his wider family, and a collection of family art and photographs.
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Brought unto the King
The Diary and Writings of Rhoda A. Gosden
Matthew Hyde (Editor)
Collected together for the first time, this little book contains the diary extracts, letters and poetry written by Rhoda Gosden (1872-1962). Not known to many people today, Mrs Gosden was the wife of Mr John H. Gosden (1882-1964), the pastor at Priory Chapel, Maidstone and Editor of The Gospel Standard magazine.
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By Faith
The Life and Ministry of John Kemp
John Kemp and Others
John Kemp (1850-1932) was a much-loved Strict Baptist minister. In 1880 he was called to the pastorate of a newly-built chapel, some miles from the nearest village, with a very uncertain future. By faith John Kemp ventured to accept the call, and he was still faithfully serving his flock 50 years later. Alongside John Kemp's autobiography, this book contains some of Mr Kemp's previously unpublished letters and sermons. This book was compiled by Matthew Hyde.
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Caleb Sawyer, Life & Sermons
The autobiography of a godly preacher told with gracious simplicity, with a selection of his letters and sermons. Caleb Sawyer was Pastor of Mayfield Strict Baptist Chapel from 1919-1962.
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Christmas Evans
B. A. Ramsbottom
Quaint, eminently godly, without doubt a preacher greatly used by God, Christmas Evans (1766-1838) has been largely forgotten in recent years. Yet at one time his name was a household word in Wales. In simple and interesting fashion this new biography portrays the remarkable life of this remarkable man.
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Forty Years in the Wilderness
The Autobiography of an Early Australian Baptist
John Chandler
The story of an Australian colonist who emigrated from Brighton in 1849, with his family and other friends. Only eleven at the time, this account tells of his struggle for survival amidst the gold rush of the 1850's together with the Lord's gracious dealings with him in separating him from his sinful ways.
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Frank L. Gosden, Life and Letters
F. L. Gosden
A Sussex pastor for 41 years years, Mr. Gosden once said that he believed a twofold test can be applied to every preacher: 1. Will the things he speaks be things that will matter when we come to die? 2. Will the things he speaks be a help to a poor, broken-hearted sinner? How blessedly his own God-honoured ministry could stand this test!
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From the Grampians to Manchester
Ed. B. A. Ramsbottom
The biography of A. B. Taylor (1804-1887) who was successor to William Gadsby as pastor at St. Georges Road Chapel, Manchester.
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Hidden Pathway, The
G. D. Buss
A fascinating, yet deeply spiritual recollection of the life of a pastor's wife during the first half of the twentieth century. The scenes behind the joys and sorrows bring vividly to life the sacrifices Elsie Dawson made in the service of her God over many years during the long pastorate of her husband Herbert Dawson at Union Chapel, Bethersden, Kent.
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John Calvin
J. R. Broome
A booklet to mark the 500th anniversary of Calvin's birth, giving a synopsis of his life and teaching.
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John Gill, Dr.
J. R. Broome
A brief life of perhaps the best Bible commentator of all time.
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John Kershaw of Rochdale
During his lifetime the name and ministry of John Kershaw were known far beyond his home town of Rochdale, where he had a pastorate of over 50 years. His name has often been linked with that of William Gadsby in a ministry which led to the establishment of many Strict Baptist Chapels in Northern England in the 19th Century. He was from the working classes, and in his inimitable rugged style, Kershaw recounts the story of his own life and the events he witnessed. There is much, too, of the experience of doctrinal truth in these pages which is of great importance and value.
This new edition of the autobiography is based on the Gospel Tidings 1968 edition but is expanded to include the memoir of Lydia Kershaw, his second wife. It also includes in an appendix two sermons and an address not previously republished anywhere else, together with a complete textual index to John Kershaw’s sermons.
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John Knox
J. R. Broome
A brief biography of Scotland's greatest reformer.
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John Warburton - Servant of a Covenant God
J. R. Broome
A Lancashire weaver - a father of twelve - a Particular Baptist preacher - the author of the Christian classic, The Mercies of a Covenant God - one of the three founders of the Gospel Standard Baptist Churches, which included William Gadsby and John Kershaw - Pastor of Zion Chapel, Trowbridge for 42 years, havidng a regular congregation of up to a thousand - close friend of J.C. Philpot. This is the first biography that has been written on this remarkable man's life.
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J. K. Stehouwer
Some wartime experiences of J. K. Stehouwer, the Pastor of Zion Baptist Church, Grand Rapids.
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Life and Letters of William Boorman
Matthew Hyde
William Boorman (1849-1926) was for 45 years the esteemed pastor of the Strict Baptist Chapel in the village of Lamberhurst, Kent. Brought up a Wesleyan Methodist, he went to the village school in Wadhurst with John Kemp (later pastor at Biddenden) and Ruben Weeks (later pastor at Tenterden). Called by grace in his teens, he started preaching for the Methodists in Lamberhurst on the instigation of Stephen Hyland, who in turn would also leave the Methodists and become the Strict Baptist Pastor at Bodle Street. Mr Boorman was brought into the Strict Baptists through hearing James Jones preach in a nearby oast house because the chapel at Shover’s Green was closed for renovations. Leaving the Wesleyans, he became a Strict Baptist minister, taking the pastorate at Lamberhurst in 1881. God’s ways are past finding out! These formative experiences equipped William Boorman to be a counsellor to many of the Lord’s people in the vicissitudes of life—both in providence and grace. Much of this advice and teaching was by letter, and this volumes collects together sixty of these letters, together with a short memoir and biographical notes on some of the people he addressed his letters to.
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Mary Jones and Her Bible
Mary Ropes
Thousands have been touched by the story of how a poor Welsh girl walked barefooted to Bala (twenty-five miles from her home) to buy a Bible for which she had been saving for several years. This is the original telling of the Mary Jones story, which for years was out of print, and includes the Victorian illustrations.
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Olney - the home of Amazing Grace
Graham Chewter
Paperback edition marking the 250th Anniversary, on 1st January 1773, when the well-known hymn Amazing Grace was first sung.
The delightful old-world town of Olney retains so many reminders of former times of blessing, especially during the ministry of John Newton, who had been rescued from a life of moral degradation. In his time, Olney gained a well-deserved reputation as a place of warm Christian fellowship among its gospel-loving congregations. It was from here that spiritual light shone forth through Newton's ministry, letters, and especially his famous hymn Amazing Grace, composed at the end of a remarkable year of revival. Here also we see the godly poet Cowper making his own contribution to the spiritual enrichment of the churches. Truly a little town with a large legacy.
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Providence and Grace
James Payne
We see in the brief accounts of the lives of James and Bertha Payne, as related by themselves, the mysterious yet unmistakable and harmonious outworking of divine providence and grace. Though suffering many trials and deep things during their 45 years together, they endured to the end and by God's grace are now enjoying eternal bliss.
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Puritan Samson, The
B. A. Ramsbottom
The remarkable story of a man whose preaching was wonderfully blessed by God in bringing the gospel to Lancashire - yet who later disgraced himself, before finally being brought to repentance. In his old age acquainted with Whitefield, and reputedly with Bunyan when young, David Crosley's life was crowned at last by God using him for the salvation of a murderer awaiting execution.
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Remembered Mercies Recorded
George Rose and Graham Chewter
Mr. George Rose was a highly esteemed and faithful minister of the Gospel, who held pastorates at Cranbrook in Kent, Croydon in Surrey and Nateby in Lancashire. This book is a reprint of his autobiography, together with an additional chapter giving a continuation of his life, kindly written by Mr Graham Chewter. A selection of sermons and addresses by Mr Rose are also added.
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Samuel of Sleaford
Edward Samuel
The remarkable story of a converted Jew.
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Servants of the Living God
Graham Chewter
Whether pilgrims searching for freedom of worship, a rich nobleman who befriended and supported gospel preachers and supplied bibles for young people, a weaver, a bootmaker, a miller or an iron foundry worker, this book gives short biographical accounts of some who were motivated to make sacrifices for the cause of Christ, and who served him faithfully in their day and generation.
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Sing Aloud in Jesus' Name
B. A. Ramsbottom
Short biographies of 37 lesser-known hymnwriters with examples of their hymns.
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Six Remarkable Ministers
Ed. B. A. Ramsbottom
An illiterate cobbler - a Scottish lad who loved singing and shooting - a tradesman who stammered so badly that his customers could not understand him - a Polish Jew - a poor shepherd boy- a young man who almost committed murder. The remarkable story of how all six were raised up by God to be ministers of the Gospel. The book contains biographies of Thomas Godwin, Alexander Barrie Taylor, Francis Covell, Edward Samuel, George Mockford and Robert Moxon.
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Some Eighteenth Century Hymnwriters
John R. Broome
The eighteenth century witnessed the arrival of hymn-singing when Issac Watts published his 'Hymns and Spiritual Songs', which became widely received and used. Having set the pattern, there appeared many other able hymnwriters, especially those associated with the Evangelical Revival. This book gives biographical sketches of several of the most famous, including Charles Wesley, John Newton, John Berridge, Joseph Hart, John Cennick, Augustus Toplady, Anne Steele and Philip Doddridge - as well as Issac Watts himself.
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Some Puritan Divines
J. R. Broome
An introduction to the Puritans and brief biographical sketches of the lives of 13 of them.
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Some Scots Worthies
J. R. Broome
Brief biographies of 13 ministers and covenanters in the 16th and 17th centuries.
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Some Welsh Ministers
J. R. Broome
Short biographical accounts of the lives of the famous Welsh ministers Howell Harris, Daniel Rowland of Llangeitho, William Williams, evangelist and noted hymn writer, Thomas Charles of Bala, John Elias and Christmas Evans.
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Sukey Harley
Jane Gilpin
Sukey was born about 1784, near the Longmynd hills in Shropshire, into a family of sixteen children. Losing her father when very young, she grew up a wilful, unruly, illiterate girl, given to swearing and ready to join in any frolicking. This book follows Sukey through her pilgrimage. The author was the daughter of the rector of the church in the village of Pulverbatch, Shropshire, where Sukey lived for most of her life. She herself was one deeply affected by Sukey's own testimony, and who took down in writing some of Sukey's conversations.
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Tell it to the Generation Following
J. E. Pack
This interesting book traces the lives of the Pack family through four generations. Though so different, the accounts clearly show the difference between a religion that is in 'word only' and that which is 'in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance.'
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The Desires of a Living Soul
Life and Poetry of Clive J Jefferys
Clive J Jefferys
Clive Jefferys was a Wiltshire farmer who attended Little Zoar chapel, Studley, all his life, until he
passed away in 1987. He learnt his lessons from nature and Scripture. He had a particular gift for
recording his life experiences and spiritual desires in poetry. The subjects covered (including life’s
changing scenes, seeking help from Jesus and ‘only speaking of little things’) will find an echo in the
hearts of God’s people, while the poetry adds a warmth and succinctness that prose doesn’t
convey. The book also contains a memoir and extracts from his diary.
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The Life and Ministry of Clement Wood
An account of his life of Clement Wood, pastor of Tamworth Road Chapel Croydon for 45 years, much in his own words, a selection of 20 of his sermons and examples of other addresses and correspondence.
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The Lord Opened Their Hearts – The Autobiography of Lydia Walker of Brighton and some of her Family
Lydia Walker
In the early 1800s, Joseph Banfield, a village blacksmith in Sussex was reported to have prayed daily for his children and grandchildren. Lydia Walker was on of his grandchildren, and his prayers for her were abundantly answered.
This book recounts in Lydia’s own words how the Lord opened her heart, and the tried pathway she subsequently had to walk. When trouble came in business, it drove her husband away from the things of God, and she walked a lonely path. Two of her children died. She suffered a serious illness. But through all the Lord sustained her and brought her safely to Himself in glory.
The book also includes memoirs of Lydia’s grandparents (the blacksmith Joseph Banfield and his wife), her parents, and one of her daughters who died young.
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Through Cloud and Sunshine
B. A. Ramsbottom
In an interesting way this booklet tells the story of the remarkable Stennett family, whose witness to the gospel covers the period from the Puritans till after the Evangelical Revival. During this period of about a hundred and fifty years, though at times persecuted for their faith or offered the prospect of high honours should they deny it, they never compromised.
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To Glory in a Blaze
J. R. Broome
The moving account of the 16th century Protestant martyrs who died in the fires of persecution for the cause of God, the Truth and religious liberty. The sacrifice they made must never be forgotten.
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Valiant for Truth
The Life of J.K. Popham
J. H. Gosden
J.K. Popham (1847-1937) was pastor of Galeed Chapel, Brighton, for over 55 years and editor of the Gospel Standard magazine for 30 years. Besides being a minister of the gospel, he was also a gifted writer and theologian. His writings dealt with many of the controversial issues of the times, such as the Arminianism of the Sankey and Moody campaigns, and the subject of the relationship between divine sovereignty and man's responsibility.
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Vital Year, The
H. Salkeld
The author who for over sixty years was a minister tells of his early years as a soldier. He reveals many necessary lessons, which he afterwards, by grace was enabled to put to good use, in his course as a 'good soldier of Jesus Christ'.
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When God Works
The Early Life of Thomas Bradbury and the Fruit of his Ministry at Haydock
Ed. J.A. Kingham
An account of the early Life of Thomas Bradbury, some of the accounts he wrote of the men and women to whom his ministry was made a blessing at Haydock, and an autobiographical account of James Turton, who was one of them. Two sermons and some letters of Thomas Bradbury are added.
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William Gadsby
B. A. Ramsbottom
This book is almost certain to become the standard work on the life of William Gadsby. Written over a period of 20-30 years, the life and character of this extraordinary man of God is now presented to the Christian reader in this most interesting biography.
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William Tiptaft, Memoir of
J. C. Philpot
William Tiptaft seceded from the Church of England in 1831 a few years before his friend J. C. Philpot. He was a man who forsook everything for Jesus' sake and many of his aphorisms are still remembered today. This is the only biography written by Philpot.
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Wycliffe and Huss
J. R. Broome
A brief history of the lives of John wycliffe and John Huss.
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Zwingli and Calvin
J. R. Broome
A brief history of the lives of John Calvin and Ulric Zwingli.
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