Marks of the True Church
K.F.T. Matrunola
The church is the bride of Christ, Christ’s jewel. The doctrine of the
church should rank very highly in our esteem. It should be an
important question with all – am I a member of the church?
Salvation is to be united to Christ. To know the loving communion
of the church is to assure ourselves that we are in Christ. If we love
Christ, we will want to serve and honour him in, and as part of, the
church. Because Christ and his church are one, we can legitimately
say: there is no safety outside the church! That means it is essential
that we know what the church is, and what Christ has ordained for
the church. Too many take these things lightly today and think they
are secondary issues. A study of church history will soon show that
many godly people of past generations have given their lives or
suffered the loss of many possessions for this doctrine. May we hold
it as dearly today. The publishers pray that this book will be blessed
of God to stir many up to again lay hold on this precious doctrine.
Finish: Paperback
| Size : 220 x 140 mm
| Pages: 224
| ISBN: 9781911466345
Purchase on CBO website (Christian Bookshop Ossett are now the distributors for GS Trust Publications)