Bethesda / Organisational Structure

Organisational structure – Roles and Responsibilities

The Committee 
The Bethesda Fund Committee (known as the ‘Committee’) is the top level of management for the Charity, currently consisting of eight Trustees. The Trustees are appointed by the Members and stand for re-appaointment every three years. For the purposes of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 the Committee is the ‘provider’ and is responsible for the overall administration of the Homes. In order to fulfil this responsibility the Committee meets monthly to decide policy on a wide range of subjects, including resident's fees, staff wages and terms and conditions and how Bethesda will address changes in the law and regulations.

The Committee is also responsible for confirming the suitability of people to live in Bethesda in respect of their eligibility under our entrance rules and to this end assess all applications to Bethesda.

The current members of the Bethesda fund committee are:
  • Mr. Michael Ridout - Chairman
  • Mr. David Stevens - Vice-Chairman
  • Mr. Sam Cottingham 
  • Mr. John Hart
  • Mr. Philip Pocock
  • Mr. Ray Saunders
  • Mr Joe Sayers
  • Dr. Richard Woodhams

PA to the Board - Miss Cathy Pepler. 

General Manager
The General Manager reports directly to the Committee and is the ‘nominated individual’ for the purposes of Regulation 6 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.
The General Manager’s duties are twofold: on the one hand to provide support to the Bethesda Fund Committee in their charity governance duties: on the other, the managerial oversight of the Charity. These duties include, but are not limited to:
  • Ensuring that the Bethesda Homes (including Flatlets) are managed effectively in fulfilling the purposes of the Charity,
  • responsibility for ensuring compliance with the CQC Fundamental Standards,
  • responsibility for the performance of the Home Managers,
  • overall responsibility for all personnel matters, including strategic direction and planning,
  • Health and Safety in the workplace,
  • the collation, preparation and delivery of budgets and business plan, and 
  • the financial performance of Bethesda.
The current General Manager is: Mr. Adrian Topping.

Home Managers 
The Home Managers report to the General Manager and are registered with the Care Quality Commission for the purposes of Regulation 7 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. This makes them legally responsible for the standards of care within their homes.
The primary responsibilities of the Home Managers are:
  • To maintain the purpose and ethos of the Homes as described under the above headings, and to be an ambassador for the Home.
  • To ensure that the best possible outcomes for Bethesda’s residents are achieved, that they are kept safe and well protected and as far as possible, happy.
  • To ensure that all relevant laws and regulations are fully complied with and that the Home operates according to its registration status and conditions.
  • To manage the day to day operations and activities of the Home to the standards required by Bethesda, including but not limited to - developing, promoting and maintaining high standards of care and best practice, implementing and maintaining the systems and structures needed to run the Home in the interests of its residents and to manage effectively the financial and material resources needed by the Home.
  • To carry out the administration, management and training of the Home’s staffing according the standards set out in this Handbook. 
The current Home Managers are:
  • Brighton – Miss Sarah Williamson (Registered)
  • Harpenden – Mrs. Debbie Scott (Registered)

Deputy Home Managers
The Deputy Home Managers are key members of the management team whose role is to support the Home Managers in the day to day running of the Homes.
The Deputies combine the role of both carer and manager and their primary responsibilities are:
  • To assist the Home Manager in the day-to-day management of the Home and in their absence run the Home to the standards required by Bethesda.
  • To assist the Home Manager in ensuring that all relevant laws and regulations are complied with.
  • To assist the Home Manager in managing Bethesda’s staff to the standards set out in the Staff Handbook and relevant policies and procedures.
  • To provide personal care to residents to a high standard and to lead care teams in the execution of this duty.
The current Deputy/Assistant Managers are:
  • Brighton – Mrs. Vivita Torres
  • Harpenden – Mr. Wayne Blinko

Office Managers
The Office Managers report to the Home Managers, providing them with administrative support in a wide range of matters in the day to day running of the Homes.

The current Office Managers are:
  • Brighton - Mrs. Jackie Funnell 
  • Harpenden - Mrs. Sabina Mostafa 

Senior Care Assistants and Senior Night Care Assistants
The Senior Care Assistants are team leaders reporting to the Home’s management team responsible for providing personal care and support to the residents, leading care teams in the provision of care and for taking complete charge of the Homes in the absence of the management team.  

Junior Care Assistants and Night Care Assistants
Junior Care Assistants are responsible for providing personal care and support for the residents of the Homes. They may also be asked to undertake domestic duties as may be required.

The cooks report to the management team and are responsible for ensuring, with the care staff, that the resident's nutritional and hydration needs are met and for ensuring that the requirements of the Food Safety Inspectorate are met in the Home. 
Cooks are often supported by Kitchen Assistants who will help them to ensure high standards of cleanliness and food storage.

Domestic Staff
Domestic staff include Cleaners, Laundry Assistants and Gardeners/Handymen.
The role of the cleaners is to help ensure high standards of housekeeping and cleanliness in the Homes and they are responsible for ensuring that the requirements of the Department of Health’s guidance on infection prevention and control are met.

In some Homes a member of staff is employed specifically to look after the residents laundry. This member of staff is responsible for ensuring that the resident's clothing and linen is kept clean and in good condition and is returned to the right place in a timely fashion. This member of staff is also responsible for ensuring that the requirements of the Department of Health’s guidance on infection prevention and control are met in the laundry. Where the Home does not employ a specific person for these duties, care assistants are responsible for ensuring the same standards of service are met.
The gardens and buildings are maintained by either in house employees or external contractors depending on the Home.