Bethesda / Subscribers / Subscribe
Thank you for your interest in subscribing to the Gospel Standard Betheda Fund. Please fill in the form below.
Details of subscriber
Details of second subscriber

When you click ‘Subscribe now’ your application will be submitted. You will also be redirected to a new page to submit payment via PayPal which you are welcome to use. Please be aware however that PayPal will deduct £0.45p from a £5 subscription so Bethesda will only receive £4.55. If you would prefer an alternative simply exit the PayPal page and either set up a direct debit or subscription directly through your own online bank account or send us a cheque made out to ‘Gospel Standard Bethesda Fund’ and post to The General Manager, 12b Roundwood Lane, Harpenden, AL5 3BZ’.
Our bank details are:
Lloyds Bank
60 George Street
Sort code: ​30-66-76
Account number: 73424663
Please note: we reserve the right to decline Subscription Applications and in which case we will promptly return any subscription paid. New subscribers applying within four weeks of the Annual General Meeting will not be eligible to take part in that year's election of Trustees.

To see our Subscribers privacy statement click here