Bethesda / Applying for Admission to the Homes

Applying for Admission to the Homes

The Charity’s Memorandum and Articles of Association (Trust Deed), provide that primarily the Gospel Standard Bethesda Homes and/or Flatlets are for the benefit of those who are either:
  1. A member of a Gospel Standard Church or
  2. A regular attender of a Gospel Standard listed chapel.
However, the Trust Deed also makes provision to allow others to be considered for Bethesda.  This additional provision is not so well known, and as such, whilst we are not seeking to change the provision, we would like to make potential applicants more aware of it.

Those who may not immediately feel that they satisfy (1) or (2) above, are still welcome to apply for entry.  All applications involve the completion of an Application Form, which is then considered by the Trustees, with all applications being treated sympathetically and in strictest confidence.

In the case of applications outside (1) & (2) above the applicant will also be asked to explain why or how they consider Bethesda would be suitable for them. The Trustees will be looking to ensure that the way of life in a Bethesda Home, reflects the applicant’s current lifestyle and way of living in their own home, to ensure that they would be comfortable within the Bethesda environment. The application may involve a meeting with two of the Bethesda Trustees, so that they can explain more about Bethesda’s ethos and give both the Committee and the Applicant an opportunity to clarify any points arising. We hope by this process to help ensure that right decisions are made for the applicant’s wellbeing.

The Trustees, have over the years, welcomed a number of applicants who do not qualify under (1) & (2) above, and the individuals concerned have found Bethesda to be a “a House of Mercy”.

If you feel that Bethesda would be a suitable place for you, a relative or a friend to be a resident in a Bethesda Care Home or Flatlet, please contact the General Manager who will be pleased to discuss Bethesda’s entry requirements and provide additional information. 

In addition to the information above, the Trustees have prepared a supplementary document that explains ‘What it is to live in a Bethesda Home’. This gives details of what a perspective resident would expect to find in the daily life of Bethesda and the conduct of the Homes. The document has not been written in a prescriptive way, its purposes is to highlight what it is to live in a Christian care home where the residents desire to walk in the fear of the Lord and according to the precepts of the Bible. Click here to see this document

What to do if you wish to consider a stay in a Bethesda Home
  1. The first step is to download and complete a Bethesda Application Form and return it to the General Office at 12(b) Roundwood Lane, Harpenden, Herts. AL5 3BZ. If you have any questions or concerns about the application form, please feel free to speak to the General Manager. If you are not, or are no longer a regular attender at a chapel on the Gospel Standard List you are strongly advised to contact the General Manager before completing and returning an application form. To see what we do with your information please download our 'Applicants Privacy Notice' here
  1. Your application form will need to be signed by a Gospel Standard minister, either your Pastor or a visiting minister who knows you well, so you may wish to give some consideration to whom you will wish to ask in advance.
  1. Once your completed application form is received by the General Manager, he will pass this to the Bethesda Fund Committee for consideration. This process usually takes about two weeks, although this can be longer in holiday times.
  1. Once your application has been approved, your name will be added to the approved applicants list and the General Manager will write to you to let you know of this. If your application is refused, the reason for this will be explained too you.  Being placed on the Approved Applicants List places you under no obligation to come into Bethesda, but does ensure that once you do take that decision there are no delays.
  1. Prior to admission, the Manager of the Home you wish to stay in will carry out a formal detailed pre-assessment care needs assessment to establish what your care needs and wishes are.  Whenever possible, you will be visited at your own home. In certain rare circumstances it may felt that the Home cannot provide care and support (see Services Types). 
  1. Before, or at the time of admission, if you are privately funded you will be asked to enter into an agreement (contract) with Bethesda.  If you are supported by Social Services, Bethesda will enter into a three-way agreement with the local authority and yourself.
  1. Applications for short stays are referred to the General Manager on the first occasion; on any subsequent occasion a person wishing for a short stay may apply directly to the Home desired. Although completed application forms are not required for temporary residents, the entry qualifications are essentially the same as for permanent residents. Further detail can be found in the "Short stays" section of the "Types of services offered" page.
You are welcome to visit the Home before you make a decision to stay. In any case, the first eight weeks of residence are mutually recognised as a trial period to allow for the possibility of a change of mind.

Emergency Admissions

In the case of urgent need for care or an emergency, arrangements should be made with the General Manager.  All emergency admissions are short term and any decision for long term placement will not be taken until after a full needs assessment has been carried out.  The needs assessment will be made as soon as practicable and always within the first ten days.