Bethesda / The Homes / Harpenden Home

Harpenden Bethesda

Address: 201 Luton Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 3DD

Telephone: Office 01582 761359. Residents 01582 715637
Number of places provided: 25 (19 single rooms, 3 double room) 
Home Manager: Mrs. Debbie Scott 
Assistant Manager: Mr. Wayne Blinko 
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Ruth Janes and Mrs. Sabina Mostafa
Other staff: The Home employs care assistants at ordinary level and senior level, a cook, a kitchen assistant and domestic staff. There are two night care assistants on waking duty every night.  All care staff receive extensive training. 
Home Support Group: Chairman, Mr. Trevor Scott and ten other members.

Care Quality Commission: Care Quality Commission (east), Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 4PA.  Tel: 03000 616161 
Social Services: Hertfordshire County Council, County Hall, Hertford SG13 8DP Tel: 01992 556426 

Health Care Authority: Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Health Authority, Charter House, Parkway, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL8 6JL Tel: 01707 390855 

The Home offers a range of services and facilities geared towards elderly members and regular attenders of Gospel Standard Strict Baptist Churches. Information on fees and the applications process can be found on this website. 
The Home was last inspected by the Care Quality Commission on 18 April 2023. This was a focused inspection with the CQC looking at outcomes under the 'Safe' and 'Well-led' Key lines of Enquiry (KLOE). The overall rating for the Home is 'Requires Improvement', with the 'Safe and Well-led' KLOE being rated 'requires improvement' and the other KLOEs, 'Caring', 'Effective' and 'Responsive' remaining as 'good'.

In the report the CQC commented very favourably on the standards of care and support received by the residents of the Home. They have however recommend that we make improvements to the care plans to ensure that they fully cross reference all aspects of support needed, along with ensuring that audits (governance systems) are consistently completed and followed up to allow ourselves to fully implement the improvements we have identified for ourselves. 

We would wish to comment that we found the CQC inspector to be personable, constructive and balanced in their approach to the inspection and the management team and would thank them for that. 

To view the summary report please see here
To see the full report please see here